40 Female 3 13 9 8 4 14 11 6 5 5 1 1 0 1 2 83 Percentage 3. 61 15. 66 10. 84 9. 64 4. 82 16. This definite study uses this kind of synergy among the qualitative quiz help the quantitative design exam help explain the control of psychological contracts in the public sector examination help take into account any intricate trend that can’t be explained through quantitative research examination help effort exam help consider any social trend from the event of the avid gamers involved in its place of using outsiders exam help clarify it subjectively It is bendy quiz help can be adjusted in cases of unexpected ideas, It is more applicable for practitioners It can study social which means quiz help dimensions which are symbolic, It allows the development of fresh ideas quiz help theories, It is delicate examination help contextual factorsConger 1998; Bryman et al 1988; Alvesson 1996 as cited in Ospina 20043. 2. 1. 3 Demerits of the Qualitative Research Method The reliability of the qualitative data can be questioned It could consume time in some cases3. 2. 2 Quantitative ResearchAccording exam help Kumar 2010, in ascertaining the level of diversification, it is integral examination help use both the qualitative quiz help the quantitative research in explaining exam help phenomenon.