While there have been a range of makes an attempt at breaking down the cultural obstacles that experience constructed within corporations around the globe, one factor that maintains examination help need analysis is how cultural changes influence the equity theory Fadil, Williams, Limpaphayom, quiz help Smatt, 2005. Although the equity theory, as posed by Adams , has been recognized by many examination help be heading in the right direction, it was not until the 1980s that it was tested on non Western cultures. Once research was performed on the equity theory quiz help how it pertains exam help the Eastern culture, effects found that equality in preference to equity was favorite Leung quiz help Bond, 1982, 1984; Leung quiz help Park, 1986; Mahler, Greenberg quiz help Hayashi, 1981 as cited in Fadil et al, 2005. The Eastern cultural view of the equality rule states that rewards may be given out similarly exam help all those involved in the groups performance in spite of particular person inputs or private efforts Fadil, et. al. , 2005.