?Starting out on an unseasonably rainy day in Phoenix, Dallas tested his determine in three grueling suits over the course of four hours. In the third generation competitor’s way stood big Luke Harper, the unpredictable Conor O?Brian quiz help the devious Leo Kruger ?three of WWE NXT?s most highly touted clients. MORE ON NXT?S TOP TALENT By the time he scored the final pinfall on Kruger, it was clear that the battered Dallas had given every little thing he had in him examination help become the first WWE NXT Superstar exam help qualify for the Royal Rumble Match. ?To be in the historical past books for anything else is extraordinary,?the dynamo admitted. ?But being the first NXT Superstar examination help be in the Royal Rumble Match?I don?t know if I?m allowed exam help say this, but that?s badass!?Now headed into one of the vital pivotal bouts of the year, Dallas little doubt realizes that this rare opportunity could turn him into exam help sports entertainment phenomenon overnight. While the Royal Rumble Match has historically been won by established Superstars like ?Stone Cold?Steve Austin, John Cena quiz help Shawn Michaels, the chaotic, fly by the seat of your pants ambience of the brawl presents the ideal opportunity for exam help competitor like the 225 pound child exam help shock the realm.